环球微动态丨CNC结题 | 探索自然,感恩自然

来源:国际教育网 发布时间:2023-04-17 10:36:49




At CBIS, we encourage students to use their knowledge to explore and practice in problem-solving situations, ultimately improving their problem-solving abilities.

On April 14th, an integrated unit celebration Gift of Nature was held by Grade One of the Bilingual Experimental Department. Starting from the driving question "Where does food come from", the children shared with parents the exploration journey of this unit - the "secrets" they discovered about food in nature.

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在活动中,孩子们向家长介绍了食物营养金字塔、种子生长的秘密、蔬菜的分类以及光盘行动的艺术创作等等,别看是一年级的小朋友,他们自信的表达 、流畅的语言、独立思考时的样子,正是我们要培养心智自由的终身学习者的模样。

In the activity, the children introduced the food nutrition pyramid, the secret of seed growth, the classification of vegetables, and the artistic creation of Clean Your Plate Campaign to their parents. Although they were first graders, they showed us their confident expression, fluent language, and independent thinking. Those were exactly what we wanted to cultivate like free minded lifelong learners.

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In this unit, we explored and practiced together with our children. Through a series of activities, we helped them understand the relationship between food and nature, the types of animals and plants, the process of transforming them into food, and the processing and production process of some agricultural and sideline products. As the project progressed, the students understood that food was not easy to come by, so they should cherish and appreciate the gift of nature.

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PBL interdisciplinary exploration focuses on cultivating students with healthy body and mind. It also focuses on students" learning quality, so that they can gradually master the ability of self-awareness and regulation through learning. What"s more, it also emphasizes the cultivation of students" learning abilities, including problem-solving ability and thinking ability in real situation, problem-solving ability, and establishing connections and personalized expression ability. Through continuous learning and practice, these abilities are ultimately internalized into mental habits.

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撰稿| 刘苑苑

翻译 | 李 莲

摄影 | 贾先涛

编辑 | 刘楚渊

审核 | 黄绍平


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